This is a Snippet of the Day for . You can either read the news snippets in our interactive shorts-based ui, listen to an interactive podcast discussing the news, or browse headlines on twitter.
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Snippet is a company with a goal of making news more accesible to people. Snippet attempts to extract only the facts from the news, and not the opinions. A Snippet is released everyday which summarizes the major events of the day so that you're always aware of whats happenning in the world. Read today's Snippet >

Don't like reading at all? We have a short podcast called "What's Happening?" that summarizes the daily news and provides commentary on it for 2-3 minutes. The podcast is available on YouTube and Spotify so you can start listening today. Listen to the podcast >

Don't care about the news? We understand that not everyone wants to know what's happening in the world. So we have a game that helps you have fun and learn at the same time. Guess is a game where you guess the missing word. Play the game >
